Our Clients

aditya birla UltraTech Cement Ltd.
akry Akry Organics Pvt Ltd
ald dynatech Ald dynatech furnaces pvt ltd
basf BASF
danieli Danieli India
dcm shriram DCM Shriram
essar steel ltd ESSAR Steel Ltd
evonik Evonik
firmenich Firmenich
forbes marshall Forbes Marshall
godrej Godrej
gopanimetals Gopani Metals
greaves Greaves
gulbrandesn Gulbrandesn
chimiques Industries Chimiques du Senegal
indian-steel-corporation Indian Steel Corporation Ltd.
jindal Jindal Steel & Power
jspl JSPL
jsw JSW
kelvolt Kelvolt
larsen toubro Larsen & Toubro
adorn jewellery Adorn Jewellery
maruti suzuki Maruti Suzuki
mukand Mukand
oracle Oracle
oriental Oriental
pnp PNP
ranbaxy Ranbaxy
rieco Rieco Industries Ltd.
reliance Reliance
sail Sail
shree cement Shree Cement Ltd
solaris-chemtech Solaris Chemtech
techno spark Techno Spark
sterling and wilson limited Sterling and Wilson Ltd
sun pharmaceutical Sun Pharmaceutical Ind ltd
tecpro-systems Tecpro Systems
thermax Thermax Ltd
times Times
vigor Vigor